This Week’s Shows 9.23.22

I haven’t done much of an update in a while but the seasons have changed and I’ve moved house. The dust has settled a bit and a rainy Sunday morning seems like as good a time as any to put up a couple of pictures of recent escapades and whatnot.

The main thing that’s been going on lately has been the launch of my new trio, the Bigote Trio. (Bigote just means mustache in Spanish…though I’m told that Los Bigotes was a sort of nickname for some of the anti-fascist fighters in the Spanish Civil War. I hope that’s true, but either way, mustaches are cool.) As you can see below, I had a bit of a tache for the past few months. We’ve been playing a lot of traditional Gypsy tunes, blues, and a fair amount of bossa nova. I’ve got a handful of original tunes that we’re going to work in in the near future as well.

We’ve been busy playing at Mala in the Northern Quarter every other week or so, a handful of gigs at Peaky Blinders, the Crypt in Lancaster, some private parties, and a few other places. You can see some other video clips and read a bit more including a bio here, if you are so interested.

I’ve had a few nice jobs with Ollie Mulkeen and his band the Jive Swings lately as well. That band logs some serious miles with recent gigs in Nottingham, Newcastle, and the Lake District…none of which are really anywhere near Manchester for those of you geographically challenged folk. It’s a great band and the guys are all great to hang with so the long days are totally worth it.

And of course I’ve slipped a few EDDA saxo/dj gigs in here and there, both public and private. People seem to like it so I’ll keep doing it…I guess? Well, I have a mortgage now so, yes, I will keep doing it.